Thursday, October 24, 2019

Internet shopping Essay

For those who prefer their shopping to come to them, Sainsbury’s to You delivers groceries ordered via the Internet. Audio publications for blind people For people who cant see they can get Braille embossed audio-cassette where all their gifting and food/drink brochures are available. They can order the items via phone or tell a family member to get it for them. Disability parking spaces All car parks have designated disabled parking spaces. These are situated near the main store entrance for any customers with a mobility/access requirement. Guide/assistance dogs Guide/assistance dogs are welcome in all Sainsbury stores. Help with shopping Members of staff are available to assist customers with their shopping, including packing items at the checkout if required. Also they can carry shopping bags to the car if requested. Induction loop system for hearing impaired Most of the stores have hearing induction loops installed to help hearing-aid users interact with staffs at specific locations around the store, including selected checkouts and the customer service desk. The following symbol is displayed where induction loops have been installed. Service call in petrol stations 95% of their petrol stations have a service call facility available, enabling disabled drivers to request assistance without leaving their vehicle. Wheelchairs and specially adapted trolleys These items are available in every store (excluding Locals and selected Centrals where space is limited). Electric scooters are also available in larger selected stores. Service for parents and infants Customers shopping with a child under five years old, at a store with a Sainsbury’s controlled car park, can get a Parent and Infant windscreen badge from the Customer Service desk and keep it on their cars. Several types of trolleys are also available for various family combinations of babies and toddlers, even for triplets. Parents shopping with children can use the priority wide-aisle checkouts to avoid waiting. Sitting place for elderly people There will be chairs near the checkout for them to rest on, as they normally get tired in big stores. Time saving for kitchen work Time pressures exist at home as well as at work, so Sainsbury will offer products like ready-meals and prepared meats and vegetables that require no preparation. Mothers with baby-need trolley with baby seat There are few trolleys for babies to sit, but if the parents think the seats are not safe enough then they could give ideas of improving to the customer service, and from there Sainsbury will find ways to improve it if its possible. Blind people There should be someone with that person to help then to get the shopping done by looking at the shopping list. Students-having the products set out in the right place as students don’t have time to look for things Maybe checking the selves 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) to see if the products are in the right place. Organic, vegetarian, vegan food They are put in different section so it is not difficult to find. Socio-economic group – A,B,C1,C2,D, E The price should be different, as everyone cannot afford even some luxury products. As well meeting the needs of the customers, Sainsbury already has other good facilities, which helps it to be a good customer service. They are: Health Sainsbury understands that healthy eating is about balance, so they focus on providing clear and easy-to-read nutritional information on their products to help customers seeking this balance. In some stores they carry out health checks and allergy tests. They have successfully reduced the level of salt in their products, and minimised the unnecessary use of pesticides to grow Different tastes It offers a very wide range of products (over 20,000 different products in many of our supermarkets) to meet just about every taste. For example, it caters for local tastes in Scotland by opening Simon Howie branded meat counters, Kelly’s of Cornwall ice cream in the South West, Bartons pickles in the North West, Genesis bread in Northern Ireland and a wide range of kosher foods in Finchley Road. Top-shelf publications Although there are no legal or trade guidelines on what may or may not be sold in newsagent outlets in general, their policy is not to display or sell any newspaper or magazine, which they think it would offend or embarrass the average customer. Sainsbury are also a member of Baywatch campaigning. Baywatch is a national campaign set up in response to widespread concern about the abuse of parking spaces designated for use by people with a disability. Along with other national retailers Sainsbury’s are supporting the campaign throughout their stores. Sainsbury’s recognises that each of its customers is an individual with individual needs, so all members of staff receive disability training as part of their induction programme to ensure that all staffs have an understanding of the needs of thier disabled customers. They were voted the best corporate chain store for their commitment to providing better service for deafblind customers at the Deafblind Friendly Corporate Awards 2001. It supports the Wellbeing ‘Eating for Pregnancy’ Helpline, which is run by state-registered dieticians. This shows they care about pregnancy customers as well. As they are supporters of the National Childbirth Trust’s ‘Breast is Best’ campaign, they provide baby changing rooms and some free nappies. Free membership is available for the Little Ones Club, but they are only entitles to the customers when they are shopping. A free magazine is also available for parents with the latest news on childcare and new products. Some of the larger stores also sell range of Adams children’s clothing and Early Learning Centre toys. What is customer protection? Customer protection is made up of several laws, which is placed by the government in favour of the consumers. This is placed to insure that the businesses know precisely what their responsibilities are towards their consumers. E. g. when selling a product to a customer, the business has to make sure that the customer is happy and satisfied with it. These are consumer protection legislation laws. * Sale of Goods Act (SGA) 1979 – this Act is consolidated the 1893 Act and its amendments. The right of the seller to sell = in every contract, there are some implied conditions. One such implied condition is that the seller has legal right to sell. When you go shopping you do not ask the shopkeeper if the goods that he or she is offering to sale are legally his or hers – you have to assume that it is so, but if later on you discover that the seller did not have the right to sell, then by the SGA 1979 Act you have the rights to recover the money you have spent. Another implied condition in a contract of sale is that the goods must correspond with the description that is given. E. g. a pair of gloves described as made of leather must be made of leather, not plastic. Â  Sale and Supply of Goods Act (SSGA) 1994 – This Act is important for its substitution of the term ‘satisfactory quality’ for the previously used phrases ‘merchantable quality’ and ‘fit for the purpose’. The guideline quoted above were set out in the SSGA 1994, but are implemented through the SGA. Supply of Goods and Services Act (SGSA) 1982 – The SGA 1979 dealt only with the legal responsibilities of sellers of goods. The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 added the responsibilities of providers of services. A contract for the supply of a service is defined as ‘a contract under which the supplier agrees to carry out a service’. This makes the supplier of a service carry out ‘responsible care and skills’. All service providers are included in this, whether they are professional or unprofessional.

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